Chapter 3571 "My Brother, The Sperm Donor":>>Ep18
- The next week went by in much the same way that our first few days together had. Tanisha came over twice to join our little orgy. The rest of the time, Katie and I fucked while Nicole took care of my sister beside us. We cuddled together each night.
- Finally, Saturday rolled around again, and I went with Tanisha to pick up her last paycheck. Her prick of a supervisor wasn't there. The other employees dug around in the safe, looking for the envelope with Tanisha's name on it but there wasn't one. When she texted him, he responded that her check hadn't been enough to cover the "damages" and that she should be glad that he wasn't billing her for the difference. I got his number from her and texted him my own message, informing him to expect legal action.
- We headed home. On the way, I had her text Julie to see when we could chat with the pre-law friend. An hour later, I was buying expensive coffees for two of my sister's gay friends - along with "my" four lovers - so that we could hash out a plan of attack.